Comments on: Conquering fears and gaining confidence Renovation, cabinet building and woodworking plans and tutorials. Build like a Girl® Fri, 24 Jan 2014 13:46:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barb Tilton Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:08:54 +0000 Just came across your blog for the first time and this post was EXACTLY the kick-in-the-butt inspiration I needed to go conquer my own fears today to set up and use the Kreg jig that I requested for Christmas and which has been sitting in its original packaging since December. Thanks!

By: Ann Rourke Tue, 28 May 2013 08:32:20 +0000 Amazing post. I was wondering if you could give any information on part 2 of the wiring of the sconces? Did you pull the wire down to the switch already there or did you have to add a switch? BTW, I just bought a book on “wiring a house for dummies” from Amazon so maybe it will all be clear as mud soon 🙂

By: Feral Turtle Sun, 26 May 2013 03:09:47 +0000 Way to go Kristy! It looks truly amazing.

By: kristin Sat, 25 May 2013 02:13:29 +0000 Kristy–I was cringing the whole time! YIKES! You are so brave. I think just getting the woodworking figured out would be a triumph. NO WAY I would be going up there! Keep up the great work!
